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I do make games! Usually with other people. My main skills in that regard are gamedesign and audio. I do programming sometimes, but prefer when other people do it for the project. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Big Projects

Coming soon.

Small games

More recent games are on top. This page might be outdated, you can also check projects I was involved in here:

Squeeze & Wiggle


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This is another game we made for Ludum Dare in 72 hours with Yogurt and Gmiss made almost all of the art. 13x666 couldn't make it but in the last day he made story curscenes, nest sprite and all the web pages art. For that game I made music, sounds and almost all of the level design.

At this point we sort of knew what we were doing and it was our least stressful jam game. Except the last hours where we suddenly realised that we shouldn't had been so chill for the last 2 days :)

Music was made with around 5 layers that are added as your progress through the game. I wasn't very happy with music being a bit repetitive and me not being able to create enough variety but I think it's not that big of an issue in the end and music fit the game very well.

Another thing worth mentioning is speedrunners that learned how to fly outside the map and completely broke the game leaderboard with the ridiculous speedruns. But we are happy that the game got enough attention for someone to find such tricks.

Released: 02.10.2023



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The third game that we made with Yogurt, this time for GMTK game jam. This time we were a team of three with 13x666 doing the art.

We had a very clear desire to make something that was a reverse opposite of Wasteland Express. Small, replayable game that is easy to understand. The theme for the jam was "Roles Reversed". So we decided to make a reverse arkanoid where you place blocks to defend the crown. After the first day we faced the fact that the game was terrible to play, it just wasn't fun, and I don't even remember the details, I think the main problem was of it being played in real time an feeling very random. So I cam up with the idea that we should have 2 phases, one for building the defence and another for watching how the ball bounces around and giving you points and interacting with blocks.

It wasn't perfect and not everyone understood the appeal of conquering online leaderboard, but some of our friends played it a bunch and we were happy to see that there was actually quite a lot of depth in the gameplay!

For the music I made a dynamic track with 2 layer, one for each of the game phases that blend between each other on phase change.

Released: Jul 09, 2023

Wasteland Express


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This was the second game I made with Yogurt The Horse! Also for Ludum Dare, this time the theme was "Delivery". We were joined by 13x666, with whom Yogurt already made a bunch of games and my old friend Gmisscreate, for whom it was a first game jam actually.

We overscoped MASSIVELY. For some reason we decided that making an open-world Mad Max inspired wasteland driving game was a great idea. Our 2 artists worked relentlessly to make all the assets for enviroment, Yogurt stressed heavily fixing all the bugs in the game and I got my PC broken and wasted half of the last day fixing it (thanks iLok). I had to completely reisntall Windows and all the software I need for game development and audio work.

Nethertheless, I'm quite happy with sounds that I mostly made from the stuff I recorded at home during the jam. I especially like guns reloading sounds, made from self-retracting metal tape measure thing. Also music is dynamic with 2 layers (action and chill) smoothly changing into one another. I literally made some guitar riffs in couple of hours after spending half a day fixing my PC.

That weekend we learned our lesson not to overscope...

Released: May 02, 2023



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It was the first game I made in collab with Yogurt The Horse for Ludum Dare game jam with theme being "Harvest". We had 3 days, at day one we decided to make some sort of strategy game where you need to harvest resources and move units between nodes on the map, but it wasn't fun and it wasn't easy to make, so we abandoned the idea and then in 2 days made junkship! It's a bit vague take on the theme, but you harvest space junk with grapple hook, which counts in my book.

While Yogurt was responsible for the majority of programming, I was working on level design (he also contributed), art (those are vector images made in Unity directly using Shapes plugin), sound effects and music. Ironically, while thinking of myself mostly as musician and amateur sound designer, audio not at a lot of attention, but I'm happy with what I had time to make and I think it creates great mood for the game and fits with overall aesthetic.

Released: Jan 09, 2023



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It was a game jam game with a team of random people where nobody knew anyone beforehand. For this game I made only music and had some game design influence, but it turned out pretty cool and spooky, I quite liked playing it myself :)

Released: May 23, 2021



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The first game I "released" to the public. Before that there were some years of programming and fiddling with Unity, but at some point I decided that I should make something finished and playable. I was already interested in sound design at that point and wanted to make a small game with heavy focus on sound. It resulted in this weird sound-based shoot-em-up. It seems like I created Unity project at 29.03.2020 and last commit was made on May 3, 2020. I was so tired of development that I didn't even make a proper game end screen... But I learned a lot, obviously. It was also my first proper sound design experience, and majority of sounds were made using Korg Monotribe synth that I got my hands on just before starting this project. Learned a lot about synthesis :)

A somewhat questionable decision was to use a 3d model for the ship console that I just found uploaded on itch without any consent from the author, but oh well.